Wild Seafood Connection
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Holiday Inn & Suites
Bellingham, WA
Wild Seafood Connection is a one-day conference aimed at the independent commercial fisherman who wants to learn about direct marketing to restaurants, retailers, brokers, and seafood buyers.
At the conference, restaurant owners, retailers, brokers, and seafood buyers will share opinions about what they need from fishermen. Direct marketers will discuss successful business models through small business case studies.
Also discussed will be funding sources for business operations, new equipment, vessel repowers, and new construction. State and federal sources, as well as private lending will be discussed.
The conference is intended to benefit those who are currently selling direct, or are considering marketing and selling their catch directly to consumers, restaurants, and others.
Stakeholders interested in wild seafood including executive chefs, retailers, and other seafood buyers, and purveyors may also find the conference useful.
For more information, visit www.wildseafoodconnect.com
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