The state of New York is known for landings of fish and shellfish. Popular seafood includes fish such as fluke (summer flounder), winter flounder, yellowtail flounder, weakfish, black sea bass, tautog, scup, red hake, whiting, bluefish, striped bass, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, and other species.
New York is also known for shellfish including hard clams, surf clams, scallops, oysters, mussels, blue crabs, and lobsters. In addition to wild shellfish, clams and oysters are farmed for consumption.

The hard clam or northern quahog has been one of the most valuable seafood products harvested in New York for much of the past century.
New York seafood buyers are very familiar with the market names for hard clams including chowders (the largest size), cherrystones (medium size) and littlenecks (smallest and most valuable).
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